• Dr Ross Honeywill made a ground breaking discovery - there were people like him, and others who seemed to be on an entirely different planet.

  • Ross and his team made this breakthrough using neuroscience and psychographic profiling to decode the drivers of purchasing decisions.

  • Their research unearthed nearly 200 psychographic markers that identify a consumer's mindset and accurately predict consumer behaviour and purchasing patterns.

  • They discovered that it's attitudes, values and beliefs that determine a consumer mindset, not behaviour or where people live or what they earn.

  • The team uncovered a world divided into two mindsets: one curious and future-oriented, valuing experiences; the other focused on features, functions, and price.

  • NEOs seek an emotional connection, attracted to the unique and innovative. They do more, have more and spend more; are future shapers and open to change.

  • Traditionals are loyalists, drawn to the familiar and anchored in the past. They value tradition and make decisions based on features, functions and most of all price. They spend less and fear change.

  • For each mindset – NEO and Traditional – the team developed a comprehensive framework to map consumer desires at each journey phase, from first engagement to loyal repeat purchase.

  • We use this rich scientific foundation to build solutions for businesses, and implement them for optimal impact.